Friday 15 July 2011

I'm fasting for 7 days starting now. Food is ruining my life, and I'm going to concentrate on other aspects of my life than the constant
- struggles through meal
- manages 300 cals
- feels guilty
- vomits food
- worries about health all night
I know starving myself is ridiculous, and that I should probably seek help, but I can't admit to everyone how shit I am. I just want to feel okay, and in order to get there, I need to be low for a while. I can't handle eating. I really can't

1 comment:

  1. My god, honey, you are not shit. If you seek help nobody is going to think you're shit. They're going to see your great courage and strength to step forward and take care of yourself. You're clearly in great pain and turmoil. I am so sorry. You deserve to feel better. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be well. Whatever has happened to you in your life that makes you feel like there's something wrong with you is not your fault. You are not a cunt. And you don't have to shut your emotions off. You deserve better than this. You are courageous and strong. You can beat this. I believe in you.
